Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Best honey / best tasting honey

Best Honey 
Best tasting honey
notes revised 5 June 2018, 25 March  2019

We have tested over 50 types of honey, side by side. Typically most grocery stores carry only clover, which is fine for cooking. 

In Test 2 below are the top 10. Below that is Test 1 from 7 years earlier, with its Top 39, in order. Most if not all the flavors below are still available on-line. 

P. S. You can buy them and not worry about any going bad - they last decades if not centuries. (Just heat them if they turn solid, and they'll liquify again.)

TEST 2 30 March 2016 and 28 Jan 2014

1. Acacia (available from Miele Italiano in Italy, sold in the U.S. online) Grade A

2. Hawaiian Kiawe (a rare, white Hawaiian honey, similar in taste to orange blossom), available in some delis and online at Volcano Island Honey Company Grade A

3. Orange blossom (from Pearson Ranch in California). Note: most orange blossom honeys will rate here at about 3rd on the list. Grade A-

4. "white gold" red clover (Canadian honey from Continental Systems in California) Grade B+

5. Raspberry (available from Robin Miller) grade B+

6. Wildflower (from Prickley Rock in Utah). Note: in contrast to orange blossom honey above, wildflower honeys grade all over the spectrum - from D to B+. Most are not that good. One in 10 are great, in our opinion. We get them everywhere we find them, and test them. This one rated the highest, at B+.

7. Sage (available from Miller's Amish Grocery in Pennsylvania) grade B-

8.  Clover - (from Budge's in Utah) B-

9. other clovers in general B-

10. blueberry (available from Robin Miller in Pennsylvania) B-

1. 7 years earlier than our above 2016 test, we tested 39 different flavors and brands, which is Test 1 below.

2. All the honeys above, in Test 2, included those in Test 1; with 6 newly discovered honeys added above: specifically # 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10.  

3. Note that in Test 2, which was upgraded and revised from Test 1 below, Raspberry and Sage basically switched places - all the other flavors stayed in the same basic order.

4. More importantly, our tastes had refined: some of those in Test 1 below that had graded "A," no longer received as high a grade in Test 2 above.

TEST 1 (in order), 13 March 2009
1. acacia (available from Miele Italiano in Italy, sold in the U.S. online)
2. California orange blossom. Marshal's Farm, California
3. Orange Blossom, Robin Miller, Pennsylvania, imported likely from Florida
4. "Euc-Acialicious" (eucalyptus and acacia), from San Francisco Bay Area company
5. Wild Flower - Robin Miller (see Note at #6 in Test 2 above about Wildflower honey)
6. Orange Blossom - ebee, Ohio
7. Eucalyptus/Sage, from Marshalls Farm, California
8. Sage - Robin Miller Amish Grocery
9. Raspberry - Robin Miller Amish Grocery
10. Infused lavender - Marshall Farm, California
11. Wildflower, Napa Valley - from Marshall Farm, California
12. Tropical Blossom Honey Co., Florida, our notes say this one tested is "hawg & hawg," a special promotional line. It is no longer in their product listing. From the flavor, it was probably orange blossom. 
13. Alfalfa - Ribin Miller
14. Clover - Robin Miller
15. Clover - Miller co., Utah
16. Clover - Kroger
17. Star thistle - Marshall Farms
18. Natural Honey - Marshall
19. Apple Blossom - Robin Miller
20. Goldenrod - Robin Miller
21. Sunflower - ebee Hoey, Ohio
22. Goldenrod - E beehoney
23. Tupelo - Robin Miller
24. Organic - Robin Miller (organic what, is our question.) 
25. San Francisco Bay Area Bee Keepers Blend - Marshall Farms 
(NO C'S)
26. Eucalyptus - Robin Miller Amish
27. Cia Careystone Herb Garden - Marshall Farms
28. Wild West Wild flower
29. Almond Blossom - Marshall Farms
30. California Wildflower - Marshall Farms
31. Wildflower - ebee honey, Ohio
32. Avocado - Miller Amish
33. Key lime (infused with lime oil) - Key West Lime Shop
34. Galliberry - Robin Miller
35. Basswood - Robin Miller
36. Locust - Robin Miller
37. Pumpkin Blossom - Marshall Farms
38. Buckwheat - Robin Miller
39. Buckwheat - ebee honey, Ashland, Ohio

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